Our 30 day program provides you with the knowledge and tools you need to shed those unwanted kilos/pounds now and forever, so that you can get off the diet rollercoaster and  live a happy, healthy and balanced life. Using recognised and proven science and methods, we will share with you the paradigm that’s helped thousands of people around the world achieve their goals.

Our before and after shots on our program

Do you want to:

  • Lose weight effortlessly?
  • Learn how to keep it off for good?
  • Become a fat burner rather than a fat maker?
  • Give up dieting?
  • Reduce inflammation?
  • Enjoy amazing and tasty recipes?
  • Increase your energy and stamina?
  • Feel fantastic
  • and enjoy numerous other health advantages?

Then this challenge is for YOU!


Be quick! Limited places available

Next challenge starts on
January 31st 2022


Starting Soon

Don’t miss out

Success Stories

"I joined the 30 Day Gut Buster Program without really knowing what was ahead. 30 days later I could not be happier - 8 kgs lighter on the scales and 4cm lost from my waist. Was this easy? Unbelievably so because this program isn't just about what you eat but how you think. Combining sensational recipes and short succinct mind set tasks I didn't crave food I couldn't have, I'm lighter, less stressed and sleeping so well. Thank you Michael and Janet for your down to earth, it's up to you to put the work in approach, as the only person I'm competing with is me!"
Tamra Norris
"OMG! After 28 days on the 30 Day Gut Buster Program, we have collectively shed over 25 kg (50lbs). Easy to follow instructions and yummy recipes. The food was fantastic! Imagine eating delicious berries and cream for morning and afternoon tea and still LOSE weight. We feel fantastic. No arthritis in my thumb." - Phillipa

"I had put on 42kg (80+lbs) during COVID lockdown – thanks to this program and the amazing inspiration and support from Janet and Michael Parsons, I am now 15kg (30lbs) lighter and on the fast track to the new, sustainable me. This program works" - Craig
Craig & Phillipa Maloney
A huge thank you to Michael Parsons & Janet Parsons for your wonderful program, support, understanding, genuine care and guidance. It was amazing. l personally lost 5 kilos during February but the best thing was my diabetes blood sugars are the best they have ever been, which means l will be avoiding insulin.
Paul Cleeman
"The 30 Day Gut Buster Program has worked wonders for my husband and myself. We have both lost 6cm off our waists and lost 6Kg and 10kg respectively. The workbook accompanying the program is well written and makes it easy to understand the processes and follow the plan, especially with the support from Janet and Michael Parsons always on hand. The recipe book is awesome and the food delicious and filling, making it an easy month all round with the benefit of exciting results. I’ve also benefitted tremendously on the health side with lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels."
Brenda and Trevor Campbell
"This program is excellent and I am continuing to adopt this new healthy approach to eating. For someone who has never followed a diet plan it was really easy and your recipes were fantastic. I have lost over 4 kilos and am so glad I was given the opportunity to participate. I think your regular check in and weekly catch up were really valuable and our FB chats were a good forum for the group to share their thoughts and journey as well. The mental side I think is just as important and it makes for a holistic approach."
Jane Jackson
A massive thank you for the great results I have achieved. I have lost just over 8kg on this program and have the motivation to keep on keeping on. Not only were the recipes amazing, the support and the mind work totally made the difference
Sandi Pitt
"I began a new business venture at the same time i began the gut buster program and I was certainly anxious about being able to stick to it with everything else going on. No need to be at all. Michael & Janet made it so easy for us to follow and we looked forward to the meals every night. The mindwork you gave us to do was also a key contributor to my success. For me the meals of smoko and lunch were my biggest downfall along with my portion sizes! All that has been changed now and I am under 80 kilo's starting from 87.7. I've stayed under 80 for the last couple of months still following the basics of the meal plans 80%. I have more energy and stamina now than I can remember for a long time! I have had to take myself on a shopping trip to try and get some new clothes that actually fit!"
Trent Keller

What's it all about?

Real food and whole food. Nothing prepackaged. Easy to follow and really tasty recipes. Its about making the right food choices

Reclaim your energy and your vitality no matter what age you are. We’re here to help you live your life to the max.

Effortlessly lose kg’s/lb’s, cm’s/inches without being hungry or having to train like an athlete

Pain? Inflammation? Stiff joints? This program can EASE these problems so that you feel relief.

What do you get?

  • Lifetime exclusive member only access
  • Detailed workbook
  • Private Facebook group
  • Weekly coaching and information sessions
  • Educational videos
  • Amazing cookbook with awesome recipes
  • Specific mindwork resources
  • 30 day weight tracker 
  • And so much more

Your workbook contains an expansive food guide and all the information you need to make it easy for you to make your meals regardless of food preferences, time constraints, cooking skills & budget. 

We also give you some sample meal plans to help get you started and loads of support & advice to help you succeed on your journey.


The 30 Day Gut Buster (a program of the Chrysallis Group) does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for medical issues without the advice of a physician or health care professional, either indirectly or directly. Nor has it been evaluated by any of the relevant regulators such as Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia), Food and Drug Administration (USA),  MHRA (UK) or any other country’s regulator.

You should always seek the advice of your physician or qualified health care professional regarding any medical condition or treatment before undertaking any dietary changes or new health care regimes. Furthermore you should consult your qualified healthcare professional before making any dietary changes. 

The information contained in the workbook, and any subsequent videos, messages, emails, live feeds is purely designed to be of an informational and educational nature. If you chose to ignore or delay taking action on any advice given to you by your healthcare professional because of something that you read in this workbook, Chrysallis and 30 Day Gut Buster assume no responsibility for these actions and decisions that you have made by yourself.  

Every person is different and weight/size loss results will vary from individual to individual and can be effected by numerous differing factors, so there is no normal. Normal is a setting on a dryer.

This is a whole natural food approach which is based on modified ketogenic principles, and while being very healthy and natural, there may be some cases where it will not be appropriate. If you have any existing medical conditions, you must consult your physician or health care professional before implementing any of the information and suggestions contained in the program.

Need more info?

Shoot us a quick email at [email protected] or contact us using the form here

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